Balanced-Earth has lived alongside me, undercover, gestating, for longer than any other of my creative work.  I have nurtured and refined my kinetic sculptures during shielding and covid-cautiousness, and they unite the many branches of my creative making history.  Balanced-Earth in their ability to interact, support living creatures and repurpose otherwise waste products, feel more in harmony with me and my life.

Workshops/Community Arts

For many years I was an environmental arts educator (Footprint Arts).  There is a new page with image gallery about this.

100% for the Planet BluePatch white text on blue background

Before Balanced-Earth, I created jewellery, followed by sculpture.  If you would like to find out more about this, please click on either of the images to the right for a little of my history.

Plankton II sculpture suspended
Nylon segmented neckpiece joined with silver